Azure FinOps

Analysis. Recommendations. Optimization.

I would like to make an appointment with a Bechtle Comsoft expert.




The objectives of the POC

The mission makes it possible to analyze the Azure consumption over a period given and draw recommendations to optimize the management from a budgetary point of view and safe.





Who is the POC aimed at?

This mission is aimed at customers who want to control costs Azure and put the levers in place financial optimization of their infrastructure in Microsoft Azure.


The key points of our support

  • Overall analysis of Azure consumption and detailed view by instance
  • Inventory of the 10 most used services with indication of frequency, use and costs
  • Recommendations to optimize existing uses and reduce costs
  • Sharing best practices to facilitate management (e.g.: reserved instances, hybrid use, etc.).








  • Give access to Cost Management as Enterprise Administrator or Reader, or perform Azure consumption extractions via the administration portal.
  • Conduct interviews with people in charge of administration and governance.





The presentation schedule

  • Week 1: Discovery of processes; extraction of uses and consumption.
  • Weeks 2: Analysis of core services.
  • Week 3: Feedback and deliverables.


Speakers and participants

  • Bechtle Comsoft: Azure Consultant
  • Client: CIO/RI, Systems and Network Administrator, IT Project Manager.

Make an appointment for Azure FinOps : 


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